I had an amusing time during Canada day last night. I wasn't planning on doing anything of consequence and in some respects that's about what went down. However, it was of more consequence than sitting on my ass playing America's Army all night.
Monika got off work at her usual time and gave me a call to see if I was still up to going to a Iron Maiden cover band at Lucky. Then she informed me that it was ten bux and neither of us being rich (or even in the black, well I know I owe at least half the planet money), felt it was a good idea, so the plans changed, wine and charles became involved, along with an excursion to the downtown core to watch the crazies do their crazy things.
I jogged to monika's place, something I wasn't sure I could do, as I haven't gone for a run in ages. While I was making my way through the park a car drove by and a girl leans out the passengers window and yelled, "I want to have sex with you!" I just laughed and kept on truism' expecting shit like this during a full moon and a day with so many people out at once.
I reached monika's and ran into Sean (her roommate) and a girl, possibly his girlfriend, but I can never be sure. They had originally been part of the plan to head to Lucky, but were now going to Evolutions. I was pretty sweaty and Sean astutely asked if I had run. Right then monika arrived and we went up to get ready and drink some wine and call charles to try and find out his whereabouts. We got ahold of him and he had just dropped his crew off at their respective locations and was ready and willing to meet us wherever. Of course, we just had him meet us at the pad and it didn't take him much longer than fifteen minutes to show up. Once he got there, it wasn't long before we headed out.
Monika had shown me how to make a balloon animal in the shape of a dog and we brought them with the plan to give the simulacre to random people we ran into. We walked aimlessly around for awhile chatting about this and that, having a good time and ended up at legends with the foreknowledge that there would be some interesting people-watching opportunities. This was the first place I saw a person with a bloody nose who had obviously been punched quite effectively in the face. While we were standing in the crowd a boy came up to us (I use boy, as legends doesn't have any men who go to it) and asked for a light. I had forgotten my lighter so monika lent him hers. We traded silly banter and a couple girls he was with came up and as monika had already left her dog on someone's windshield, I felt I should pawn mine off on someone. I just turned to the girl who had approached and asked if she wanted it. She took it kinda amused and I told her I had made it. She just replied, "yeah I saw you just a moment ago." I was like, "no, I mean I made it." Still she said yeah I know I saw you making it, but with the tone which implied she was being facetious. I just laughed and let he believe that I was incapable of making something which took a whole 2 minutes to learn. She quickly turned and handed it to her friend who thought it was pretty amusing and I thought to myself, "mission accomplished."
We decided to head back towards the core and in the general direction of monika's, it was getting late and I had to work earlier the next morning, so home was starting to cross my mind. We were walking towards hush and all of a sudden a fight broke out. This guy was beating on another guy lying on the ground, he started to kick him while down, which just wasn't cool and a few people started yelling for him to stop. The guy got up, face covered in blood, nose broken, perhaps worse, and tried to get away, but the one who was wining wasn't done and decided to keep throwing punches. More people protested. Finally it seemed to break up and some people asked if the guy needed help then the aggressive bastard came running back and started beating on him again. Someone tried to pull him off, but he just threw punches at whoever got near. Just as it was getting totally out of hand (as if it wasn't already) the police showed up and we just moved on. What is it that drive moronic to act that way? What is it that didn't allow me to stop the piece of shit who was obviously going way beyond winning the fight? I'm still upset at myself for not stepping in sooner. I could have very quickly stopped the drunk, but something kept me back. It'll take some time to figure that one out, but one thing I know, if I'm in that situation again I won't hesitate to intervene. That doesn't mean getting in a fist fight. I could have held him to the ground without much trouble until police came.
Either way, we headed out and worked our way down to evolutions. At this point it was closed; the time was around 2:30am and we decided we were a bit peckish, so we tracked back to QV's. Ahhhhh, good ol' QV's. The memories always come flooding back in when I step in there. I had the Shanghai noodles and shared it with monika. We sat and had our mandatory clash of the stubborn one's. Charles just sat there amused, as so many before him and eventually just said, "let's change the topic." At this point it was getting pretty chilly (at least I was in my tee-shirt) and we decided to head on home. I said my goodbye's, even though I would have loved to have kept hanging out it would have been even more insane than getting two hours sleep. All and all it was a pretty interesting night. I'm always glad when I manage to convince myself, even in the face of my own strange urges to stay home, to go out. Until next Canada day.