Skasome fest
Went to ska fest on Friday, or was it Saturday; no it was Friday. The days intermingle when you're up all night and sleep the next day. We consumed about all the wine we had around, which was a substantial amount. Cara had just a couple of beers, which was enough for her, but Monika and I had almost two bottles of wine each (which perhaps shoulda been enough for us, heh), since Kerry left early to meet John at Steamers and only had a glass or two.
While Cara, Monika and myself were sitting on the porch a loud bang came from above and a bottle of wine dropped to the ground in front of us. We all looked, wondering what was up just as a voice came from above and said, "That was for you guys, and was meant to be a much smoother delivery." We just laughed and I figured I should run down and get the bottle. I got down there and thanked the people for their kind offering, not sure why they had done so, not even Monika knew what had precluded that gesture, but suffice it to say, we weren't about to complain. We left before we had finished off all the wine, taking some in a rinsed out beer bottle for the walk downtown.
All jovial, we walked with a hop in our gait and by the time we got there it was pushing 10pm. The line wasn't atrocious, but I would say we waited about half an hour to reach the door. It was packed inside, but the music was well worth it in my opinion. Also the company was good fun, there were a few people I was introduced to by Kerry, one in particular was Marc, who had heard of me apparently, as he had just recently broken up with a old roommate of mine, Michelle. He seemed like a good guy and obviously there had been no hard feelings between Michelle and himself, which isn't hard to believe, as she's quite a special person; one it would be hard to be find anything to dwell on about.
The night rolled on, as does time when you're having fun. Jen showed up after she got off work, so around midnight. She always brings a good energy to the group and I was glad to see her. Bakaar showed up with the car and wanted to give her the keys, but she wouldn't have any of it, as she was already getting on the way to having a few drinks and he doesn't drink. He was on his way to Legends, and we were going to meet him there once we spent a little longer at the ska festival. About thirty minutes later we left for Legends, but when we got there the bouncer told us it was a celebrity party, as there was a celebrity golf tournament in town and only special guests could get in. I always find it amusing that these celebrities book Legends for their events; it's really not that nice a place, even the Red Jacket would be more appropriate in my mind.
Suffice it to say, Bakaar wasn't there, as he isn't a celebrity any more than we are, so we figured it was time to check out Boom Boom Room. Now, I hadn't been there in a couple years and with good reason. This is hoochy central of Victoria, but it's an experience in and of itself, so I wasn't about to complain. We got in, still had to pay cover at one am, but we were on a mission. It was just how I remembered it and thankfully we only spent a short time there.
All in all it was a great night. We got back to Monika's place and crashed there. Woke up in the morning and the whole apartment was like a sauna. Deadly I tell you. With a headache and my stomach disagreeing with what I had put it through the previous night, I walked to Rising Star bakery (or whatever it's called now) in Cook St. Village and bought myself a spinach and feta croissant and a pesto and cream cheese one. Ate them both on the rest of the walk home. Sat on my couch, went to watch some tele, but decided sleep would be much more beneficial, so I walked to my room flopped down on the bed and slept untill 7:30pm. I felt so much better after that rest and I've been reading articles from the Journal of Consciousness Studies since. Ahhhhh the life:)
Of course there's always more to tell, like how we lost Cara before we took off to Legeneds and were worried for the rest of the night if she had been able to make it home, but for the most part reason prevailed and we knew she was capable of taking care of herself. It's funny when both parties have cell phones and yet you can't contact them. And John and Kerry almost got in a fight when they went out for snacks at three am on their way back to the appartment. Strange stuff indeed.
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