my 'tone'
Apparently I have a tone when I talk to people. It always catches me off guard when someone (e.g. Peter today at work) suddenly stops taking part in a conversation with no reason given and gets up and walks away. I asked what was wrong; apparently my tone was causing him stomach pain. I immediately apologized for my 'tone', which was completely fabricated by his perception of my voice, as I was not giving him any kind of attitude, but merely having a conversation about something which we agreed upon, other than one specific aspect. He allowed his perception of my side of the conversation to get to the point where he was physically sick from it and then proceeded to leave right in the middle of something I was saying. Without an apology back, I have to say I'm still upset at his attitude (quite, really). I'm sure he's sufficiently aware of it, as I said very little after we went back to work and I am not one that can hide anger/frustration well. Thankfully there was only a short time left in the day. I'm quite insulted when people leave in the middle of a conversation, especially when I can tell something is wrong (and some think that’s fucked up). Why he was incapable of telling me he was feeling upset about the way I was talking is beyond me. Why do people imagine these things and then make themselves upset over something that doesn't even exist outside their own minds? I don't think I'll ever figure that one out.
Then to top it off, on my way home I was coming from Cook st and the light turned red at the corner, I cut into a gas station and saw a bus coming along Fairfield rd, so I slowed to allow the bus to get ahead of me enough so that I could merge onto the road and I did. The driver puts on his right turn signal just as I get onto the road and stops in the middle. So I accelerate, thinking he must be waiting for me to go past, as the stop isn't for another fifty feet or so. I get to the light of Fairfield and Vancouver waiting my turn at the four way stop. The bus pulls up beside me (apparently he had no one to drop off) and I hear the driver open his window and start talking. I can't hear a word he's saying as I have my headphones on playing music, so I take them off and ask what it was he was trying to get at. He says, with a 'tone', "You came off the sidewalk there didn’t you?" I respond, "No I was coming out the driveway of the gas station." He says, "No you were on the sidewalk weren't you?" I respond with the same again. He says, "You're going to die."
"So are you." At this point, I was getting a bit frustrated, as the part about the sidewalk riding had gone on longer than I've described, not to mention I was in a bit of a mood from my previous altercation with Peter, he responds with, "You are too young to die," as he goes to close his window I manage to get in, "and you're too old to find a new job." He opens his window again to start back into me and I just say, "Fuck off," and wave my right hand with a downwards stroke in dismissal and take my turn at the stop. Bye asshole. *shakes head*
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