
As I walked down the street the dull glow from the street lights gave an almost ethereal quality to the road in front of me. One light flickered, spurted and went out. Why does it seem that when you're in a certain state of mind, one heady with emotion and energy, lights go out around you? It's probably just coincidental, I can't help but wonder. I even take it to the point where I try and make the next couple do the same, which happens to be the reason I believe it to merely be coincidence; I just can't ever make any other light go off consciously. There are enough strange synchronicities throughout my life, however, to keep me guessing. Too much happens outside my understanding, or ability to perceive that I can't rule much out. For the most part it's just one big guessing game. Lucky for me my brain (and yours I assume) was formed by Nature and so, again with the assumptions, I feel it's safe to say that it's a powerful tool 'designed' for the very purpose of prediction, understanding and information accumulation/integration. So often, in our regular discourse, we separate emotional content from semantics. But when you really start to look into yourself, or understand anything in relation to motivation, be it an animal, insect, plant, microbe, or dynamic system, it becomes apparent that emotion is something that cannot be separated from any analysis. Of course, this makes things much more complicated as undoubtedly you would want to say that emotion is subjective (therefore requiring a subject) and can't be studied empirically, so we have no choice but to remove it from any attempt at prediction. Subjectivity only goes so far and when the whole is considered there is no subject and so no subjectivity. When self is removed from the equation subjectivity becomes moot, but as you know, it takes a lifetime to be able to move beyond self, if it's ever really possible for a human to do so. There are monks who spend every day of their lives trying to see things without a singular perspective and to return to a holistic understanding. If only I could live forever.

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