where did my hylon go?


snails pace

everything I do is at a snails pace. slowly this site is starting to take shape. I suppose I'll be at it for the next couple weeks. as usual hockey was loads of fun, now there's something that breaks my first statement, I don't participate in sports at a snails pace, I tackle them with as much fury as I can muster, heh. it's hard to be competative with yourself. I need to take a lesson from this guy.

information space is a term chalmers uses. he gets some of his ideas from the mathematical discipline of information theory and more specifically from the work of C. E. Shannon, one of its founders. Chalmers uses the term when he is talking about what could be the possible basic principal of consciousness. He believes that through the double-aspect theory of information, which states that information has both a physical and a phenomenological aspect you can develop a theory of consciousness. As he puts it, "The double-aspect principle stems from the observation that there is a direct isomorphism between certain physically embodied information spaces and certain phenomenal (or experiencal) information spaces." (Chalmers, 1995)

bascailly this blog can be considered an information space, hence the name. in a sense it will be an extention of my information space (consciousness) and so function as a persona of sorts, or something. maybe it'll even start posting for me so I don't have to do any thinking.


Blogger james said...

this is the definition of the mathematical meaning

Isomorphism: A one-to-one correspondence between the elements of two sets such that the result of an operation on elements of one set corresponds to the result of the analogous operation on their images in the other set.

but you should know it from your chemistry. They speak about isomorphic chemicals quite a bit. and Chalmers is a philosopher not a psychologist:) actually he started out as a mathematician, like many good theorists... too bad I blow at it heh [math that is ;)].

14/6/04 15:47  

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